If you are a Lender who has had to deploy a Hardship Team(s) the majority, if not all, of whom are working from home, then ideally you’ll need a system that is centrally managed, accessible from anywhere, minimises manual processing, is able to record, track and audit Customer interactions and quickly automate many of the heavy-lifting actions required in these circumstances, whilst simultaneously looking after the sustained financial viability and well being of you and your Customers.
We believe we can help you through our Debt Management expertise. We are experts in the field and have been preparing for this since late 2019 when Australia was hit by those devastating fires.
We work with Lenders to manage Customer Contact Policies, design manual and automated processes for Hardship, identify high impact areas and policies to deal with them and manage and track correspondence and associated documentation.
We can help you balance Business with Customer Satisfaction and take the stress away from Hardship and put Relationship back into Customer Service.